Laser printers repair
Inkjet printers repair
Cartridge refilling
Print on T-shirts
Mug print
Print on puzzles


Laser printer repair

Laser printer repair

Fast and affordable printer repair in Kiev..


refilling toner cartridge
Inkjet printer repair

Inkjet printer repair

Fast and affordable printer repair in Kiev..


Refilling inkjet cartridge

Refilling inkjet cartridge

Refilling inkjet printer cartridge..


CISS for Epson Expression Home XP-306

CISS for Epson Expression Home XP-306

CISS for Epson Expression Home XP-306 CISS - The continuous ink supply system is an additional ..


Ink for Canon - InkTec - C9021, Black, 100 ml

Ink for Canon - InkTec - C9021, Black, 100 ml

Ink for Canon - InkTec - C9021, Black, 100 ml InkTec producing a factory-made premium ink. Inks..


Ink for Epson - InkMate - EIM290, Black, 100 ml

Ink for Epson - InkMate - EIM290, Black, 100 ml

Ink for Epson - InkMate - EIM290, Black, 100 ml InkTec producing a factory-made premium ink. In..


CISS for Epson Stylus Photo P50

CISS for Epson Stylus Photo P50

CISS for Epson Stylus Photo P50 CISS — The continuous ink supply system is an additional d..


Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0017, Yellow, 1 l

Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0017, Yellow, 1 l

Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0017, Yellow, 1 l InkTec producing a factory-made premium ink. Inks a..


CISS for Canon PIXMA Ink Efficiency E414

CISS for Canon PIXMA Ink Efficiency E414

CISS for Canon PIXMA Ink Efficiency E414 CISS — The continuous ink supply system is an add..


Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0013, Magenta, 100 ml

Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0013, Magenta, 100 ml

Ink for Epson - InkTec - E0013, Magenta, 100 ml InkTec producing a factory-made premium ink. In..


Static Control

Добро пожаловать

Добро пожаловать в LitePrint - сервисный центр и интернет магазин. Ремонт принтеров и МФУ, заправка картриджей, продажа расходных и комплектующих материалов.
Интернет - магазин LitePrint - всё для Вашего принтера!
У нас вы найдете: Принтеры и многофункциональные устройства (МФУ), СНПЧ (системы непрерывной подачи чернил), фотобумагу и чернила от известных производителей: Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Canon, ColorWay, Lomond, Magic, LitePrint, InkTec, InkMate, DcTec. 
Мы оказываем услуги по ремонту принтеровтелефонов и планшетовзаправке, восстановлению и сервисному обслуживанию принтеров и МФУ. Опыт работы более 15 лет, а также выполняем заказы на полиграфические услуги с использованием собственного оборудования. 
Приятных покупок!
Остались вопросы? Звоните: (044) 46-644-21, Kievstar (067) 55-444-21,  MTS (050) 55-444-21
Viber и Telegram - (050) 55-444-21
Наш адрес: г.Киев, Чоколовский бульвар, 31

Welcome to the online store "LitePrint"

Welcome to LitePrint - service center and online store. Repair of printers and MFPs, refilling of cartridges, sale of consumables and components.

LitePrint - everything for your printer!

Here you will find: Printers and multifunction devices (MFPs), CISS (continuous ink supply systems), photo paper and ink from well-known manufacturers: Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Canon, ColorWay, Lomond, Magic, LitePrint, InkTec, Ink Mate, DcTec.

We provide services for printer repair, refueling, restoration and maintenance of printers and MFPs. We have more than 19 years of experience, and also carry out orders for printing services using our own equipment.

Viber and Telegram - (050) 55-444-21

Our address: Kiev, Chokolovsky Boulevard, 31